
If true, smoothly rotate the Character toward the Controller's desired rotation (typically Controller->ControlRotation), using RotationRate as the rate of rotation change.



If true, rotate the Character toward the direction of acceleration, using RotationRate as the rate of rotation change. Overrides UseControllerDesiredRotation. Normally you will want to make sure that other settings are cleared, such as bUseControllerRotationYaw on the Character.




If this component is placed on a pawn, should it use the view/control rotation of the pawn where possible? When disabled, the component will revert to using the stored RelativeRotation of the component. Note that this component itself does not rotate, but instead maintains its relative rotation to its parent as normal, and just repositions and rotates its children as desired by the inherited rotation settings. Use GetTargetRotation() if you want the rotation target based on all the settings (UsePawnControlRotation, InheritPitch, etc).

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