Fundamental building blocks

  • A name.
  • Editable properties.
  • They receive callbacks to update every frame.
  • You can extend them with new properties and functions.
  • You can add them to another node as a child.



Tree of nodes

  • They always have one root node.
  • You can save them to your local drive and load them later.
  • You can create as many instances of a scene as you'd like. You could have five or ten characters in your game, created from your Character scene.



Instancing, the process of producing an object from a blueprint, has many handy uses. With scenes, it gives you:

  • The ability to divide your game into reusable components.
  • A tool to structure and encapsulate complex systems.
  • A language to think about your game project's structure in a natural way.



Scripts are files containing code that you attach to a node to extend its functionality.

Godot supports four official scripting languages, offering you flexibility between performance and ease of use.
You can mix languages, for instance, to implement demanding algorithms with C or C++ and write most of the game logic with GDScript or C#.





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