Top 3 must-know rules

1. Pixel Art is made in Raster Graphics software

2. Pixel Art is made in a relatively small size, so you can see pixels without zooming in.

3. Pixel Art displays attention and detail in every pixel.






Canvas size optimal for pixel art 500~600px

consistent sprites size - 8, 16, 32px 



Define perspective

Be careful with multiple perspectives.


Color& Light

Start with a limited palette. add up as you go

clean and consistent outlines and contour

shades and lights defined by light source, shape and material



What story the artwork tells?

What mood the artwork expresses?

Where is the focus in the artwork?

How is the artwork balanced?



2groups of pixel art

8~32 px  100~150 hours of practice

64~128 px 300~500 hours of practice









1. Outline, contour

 333333 222222 432111234 



16px (221122)

32px (3321221233)


2. Shape

3. Colors

4. shading

5. Lighting

6. Details


'아트' 카테고리의 다른 글

Hue, Saturation, Value  (0) 2023.11.30